Flyer available at https://esopstl.org/preacademy/
ST. LOUIS, MO – People interested in a career in law enforcement and other public safety careers are invited to participate in the free Pre-Academy Recruitment Program sponsored by the Ethical Society of Police (ESOP). The acclaimed 10-week program prepares participants for the St. Louis Police Academy and other careers in public safety such as city marshal, park ranger, dispatcher and administrative roles. The next session will be held at Ujamaa Community Development Corporation, 5076 West Florissant in St. Louis starting November 30th. New this session, classes will be held just one day per week on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The program is open to individuals of all races and genders, ages 19 and older. Learn more and apply at https://esopstl.org/preacademy.
“The goal of the Pre-Academy is to prepare potential applicants with the skills needed to be successful throughout the hiring process and police academy. Policing and public safety should be a reflection of us,” said ESOP President Sgt. Donnell Walters.
ESOP’s Pre-Academy Recruitment Program was first launched in 2015 and was reintroduced earlier this year after several years thanks to funding. It has been praised by the NAACP for its success in preparing diverse candidates for the police academy.
Courses are taught by current and former St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD) officers. Topics covered include Basic Report Writing, Basic Constitutional Law, Professional Ethics, Professional Etiquette, Public Speaking Skills, Community Service and Physical Fitness.
Participation in the program does not guarantee employment within the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. To become a police officer in Missouri, candidates must be at least 21 years old upon graduation from the Police Academy, a U.S. citizen with a high school diploma or GED, with a minimal criminal record.
Learn more about the ESOP Pre-Academy Recruitment program and apply by Monday at https://esopstl.org/preacademy. Call 314-478-8140 or email [email protected] with any questions.
The Ethical Society of Police (ESOP) is an association of police officers, park rangers, and civilians that advocates for racial and gender equity in the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and St. Louis County Police Department. ESOP was founded in 1972 to address racial biases within law enforcement. ESOP also works to improve community/police relations, develop policies and programs to reduce crime, elevate the status of minority civilians and police officers, encourage greater minority employment by law enforcement agencies, and increase professionalism in law enforcement. Membership is open to all races and includes more than 370 law enforcement professionals employed by the City and County of St. Louis. ESOP membership is approximately 97% African American, but membership is open to all races, religions and sexual orientations. For details, call (314) 690-3565, email [email protected] or visit www.esopstl.org.
Rachel Brown
(O) 314-266-7035
(C) 805-558-7985