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Ethical Society of Police addresses historic signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the St. Louis County Police Department and the Ethical Society of Police – St. Louis County Chapter

ESOP Statements, SLCPD|

In the official statement below, The Ethical Society of Police addresses the historic signing of the... Read More Ethical Society of Police addresses historic signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the St. Louis County Police Department and the Ethical Society of Police – St. Louis County Chapter

Ethical Society of Police to host a press conference today to address systemic racism in the St. Louis County Police Department

ESOP Statements, SLCPD|

  MEDIA ALERT & INVITATION TO COVER Ethical Society of Police to host a press conference today to... Read More Ethical Society of Police to host a press conference today to address systemic racism in the St. Louis County Police Department

The New York Times: St. Louis County Officer Charged in Death of Girl Hit by Car

Press Articles, SLCPD|

ST. LOUIS — A St. Louis County police officer who struck and killed a 12-year-old girl with his patrol SUV... Read More The New York Times: St. Louis County Officer Charged in Death of Girl Hit by Car

ESOP responds to the appointment of Chief Barton as the new Chief of the St Louis County Police Department

ESOP Statements, SLCPD|

OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF THE ETHICAL SOCIETY OF POLICE The Ethical Society of Police (E.S.O.P.) congratulates... Read More ESOP responds to the appointment of Chief Barton as the new Chief of the St Louis County Police Department

ESOP Submits Letter to Chief Belmar about Sergeant Promotional Process in St Louis County Police Department

ESOP Statements, SLCPD|

VIEW PDF STATEMENT OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM THE ETHICAL SOCIETY OF POLICE Dear Chief Belmar, Please accept... Read More ESOP Submits Letter to Chief Belmar about Sergeant Promotional Process in St Louis County Police Department

RiverFront Times: Ethical Society of Police Says St. Louis County Is Illegally Blocking It

ESOP Statements, Press Articles, SLCPD|

A law enforcement organization that represents minority police officers is calling for metro area cops to... Read More RiverFront Times: Ethical Society of Police Says St. Louis County Is Illegally Blocking It

Ethical Society of Police supporters to speak at tonight’s St. Louis County Council meeting against St. Louis County Police Department decision to not recognize the organization

ESOP Statements, SLCPD|

Click image to open high res version, then right click to download MEDIA ALERT & INVITATION TO COVER... Read More Ethical Society of Police supporters to speak at tonight’s St. Louis County Council meeting against St. Louis County Police Department decision to not recognize the organization